فارسی عربي


Iran actor Reza Kianian exhibits photo art

Prominent Iranian actor Reza Kianian’s photography collection has been put on display at a gallery in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

Kianian’s collection titled ‘Captivated  by The Infinite Blue’ is being showcased at the Tehran Art Center starting on Friday.

The exhibit showcases 24 photos, half of which feature galaxy photos, while the other half are pictures of objects left on the Anzali Lagoon, Kianian said in a press conference on Tuesday.

“I have never traveled to a galaxy but it has traveled within me,” he noted.

“The galaxy showed itself in every little thing around me. I was deeply surprised. I was always wondering about the endless magic of the galaxy since I was a young adult and I had cried over this immensity over and over again.

“And now the galaxy has called to me. It descended the way down to me; just for me, you might not believe it, but I was able to record the photos of the galaxy,” Kianian said.

‘Captivated By the Infinite Blue’ exhibit will run at Tehran Art Center in the Iranian capital until February 13.

